Git Command Examples

2021 Mar 2

Checkout a Remote Branch in Local

$ git checkout --track origin/master

The above command creates a local branch with the same name, i.e. master, as the remote branch, and let the local branch track the remote one. “Tracking” means when run git push, Git knows where it pushes changes into.

Some notes from git checkout --help,

As a convenience, –track without -b implies branch creation

-t, –track
When creating a new branch, set up “upstream” configuration.

If no -b option is given, the name of the new branch will be derived from the remote-tracking branch

# Assume the Git tag is "0.1.0"
$ git rev-list -n 1 0.1.0 --pretty=format:"%h" | tail -1

The tag “0.1.0” points to the commit c363005. Use %H if the full SHA1 is needed.

(Search “placeholder” in git show --help for the document of format:<string>.)

Add --abbrev option, like --abbrev=8, if a fixed width SHA1 is needed.

Fix the ^M Character Shown in git diff Result

Sometimes, when run git diff, it prints ^M at the end of some lines. The ^M character represents a carriage-return character, i.e. CRLF, the new line character in Windows. You may see ^M before, if you use Vim to edit some files coming for Windows/DOS. Seeing ^M in the git diff result means the same line was ended with CRLF but now with LF, or vice versa.

Usually, a Git repository should be configured in a way that all text files committed into the repository end with LF, while files checked out end the local machine specific endings, i.e. LF in Unix and CRLF in Windows machines. So that ^M would not be seen in git diff. To fix a repository’s configuration, add a .gitattributes file with content like

# Set the default behavior, in case people don't have core.autocrlf set.
* text=auto

# Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout.
*.bat text eol=crlf

“Renormalize” all the files with updated configuration.

$ git stash -u
$ git add --renormalize .
$ git status
$ git commit -m "Normalize line endings"
$ git stash pop

See this GitHub doc, Configuring Git to handle line endings, for more details.

Prune stale remote branches in local repository

As time goes by, local repository may have many remote branches, which were actually deleted in remote repository. For example, in GitLab someone’s feature branch is usually deleted while it’s merged by a merge request. However, these origin/feat-x, origin/feat-y branches are kept in your local repository since they’re fetched.

To delete these stale remote branches in local all at once, run

$ git remote prune origin

# Or,
$ git fetch --prune

It’s said in git remote --help,

might even prune local tags that haven’t been pushed there.

So it’s a good idea to run above commands with --dry-run option first.

Delete one remote branch by git branch -r -d origin/feat-x.

The jq Command Examples

2020 Nov 17

Some jq examples. All quotes are from the jq manual.

A sample json file is as below.

$ cat sample.json
    "apple-weight": [
    "orange-weight": [
    "banana-weight": [

The keys builtin function

$ jq '. | keys' sample.json

The builtin function keys, when given an object, returns its keys in an array.

Array/Object Value Iterator: .[]

$ jq '. | keys[]' sample.json

If you use the .[index] syntax, but omit the index entirely, it will return all of the elements of an array.

Running .[] with the input [1,2,3] will produce the numbers as three separate results, rather than as a single array.

You can also use this on an object, and it will return all the values of the object.

exp as $x | ... and String Interpolation

$ jq '. | keys[] as $k | "\($k), \(.[$k])"' sample.json
"apple-weight, [60]"
"banana-weight, [20,35]"
"orange-weight, [50]"

The expression exp as $x | ... means: for each value of expression exp, run the rest of the pipeline with the entire original input, and with $x set to that value. Thus as functions as something of a foreach loop.

The '. | keys[] as $k | "\($k), \(.[$k])"' means for each value of . | keys[], which are “apple-weight”, “banana-weight” and “orange-weight”, run the rest of pipeline, i.e. "\($k), \(.[$k])", which is string interpolation.

String interpolation - (foo)

More Complex Expression in String interpolation

$ jq '. | keys[] as $k | "\($k), \(.[$k][0])"  ' sample.json
"apple-weight, 60"
"banana-weight, 20"
"orange-weight, 50"

\(.[$k][0]) is replaced with the value of .["apple-weight"][0].

Array construction: []

$ jq -c '. | keys[] as $k | [$k, .[$k][0]] ' sample.json
$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | [$k, .[$k][0]] ] ' sample.json

If you have a filter X that produces four results, then the expression [X] will produce a single result, an array of four elements.

The . | keys[] as $k | [$k, .[$k][0]] produces three results, enclosing it with [] produces an array of these three elements.

Object Construction: {}

$ jq  ' . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]}  ' sample.json
  "category": "apple-weight",
  "weight": 60
  "category": "banana-weight",
  "weight": 20
  "category": "orange-weight",
  "weight": 50

Object Construction: {} and Array construction: []

$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] ' sample.json
    "category": "apple-weight",
    "weight": 60
    "category": "banana-weight",
    "weight": 20
    "category": "orange-weight",
    "weight": 50

The sort function

$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | [$k, .[$k][0]] ] | sort ' sample.json

The sort functions sorts its input, which must be an array.

Values are sorted in the following order: null, false, true, …

The [ . | keys[] as $k | [$k, .[$k][0]] ] is an array of three elements, each of which itself is an array. These three elements, according to the manual, are sorted “in lexical order”.

The sort_by function

$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] | sort_by(.weight) ' sample.json
    "category": "banana-weight",
    "weight": 20
    "category": "orange-weight",
    "weight": 50
    "category": "apple-weight",
    "weight": 60

sort_by(foo) compares two elements by comparing the result of foo on each element.

The [ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] is an array of three objects. The | sort_by(.weight) sorts these three objects by comparing their weight property. The final result is still an array, but sorted.


$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] | sort_by(.weight) | .[] | select(.weight >= 50) ' sample.json
  "category": "orange-weight",
  "weight": 50
  "category": "apple-weight",
  "weight": 60

The function select(foo) produces its input unchanged if foo returns true for that input, and produces no output otherwise.

The [ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] | sort_by(.weight) produces a sorted array. The following .[], i.e. array iterator, feeds select(.weight >= 50) with three elements of that array. The final result is elements whose weight is equal or larger than 50.

The command below, using map, produces the same result.

$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] | sort_by(.weight) | map(select(.weight >= 50)) ' sample.json
    "category": "orange-weight",
    "weight": 50
    "category": "apple-weight",
    "weight": 60

Multiple Conditions in select

$ jq  '[ . | keys[] as $k | {category: $k, weight: .[$k][0]} ] | sort_by(.weight) | .[] | select( (.weight >= 50) and (.weight < 60))  ' sample.json
  "category": "orange-weight",
  "weight": 50

grep Command Examples

2019 Jan 1

First, grep –help lists most of its options, which is the go-to command for most grep questions.

Like most CLI tools, options of grep can be combined. For example, -io is same as -i -o, -A3 is same as -A 3. Also, the options can be anywhere in the command.

$ grep hello a.txt -i --color

Stop after first match

$ grep -m 1 search-word file

-m, –max-count=NUM stop after NUM matches

Only print the 1000th match.

$ grep -m1000 search-word file | tail -n1
$ grep -l search-word *.txt

-l, –files-with-matches print only names of FILEs containing matches

It’s useful when you grep lots of files and only care about names of matched files.

Find unmatched files

-L, –files-without-match print only names of FILEs containing no match

-L is the opposite of -l option. It outputs the files which don’t contain the word to search.

$ grep -L search-word *.txt

Show line number of matched lines

$ grep -n search-word file

-n, –line-number print line number with output lines

Don’t output filename when grep multiple files

When grep multiple files, by default filename is included in the output. Like,

$ grep hello *.txt

Use -h to not output filenames.

$ grep -h hello *.txt

-h, –no-filename suppress the file name prefix on output

Search in “binary” files

Sometimes, a text file may contains a few non-printable characters, which makes grep consider it as a “binary” file. grep doesn’t print matched lines for a “binary” file.

$ printf "hello\000" > test.txt
$ grep hello test.txt 
Binary file test.txt matches

Use -a to let grep know the file should be seen as a “text” file.

$ grep -a hello test.txt 

-a, –text equivalent to –binary-files=text

Search in directories

-r, –recursive like –directories=recurse

-R, –dereference-recursive likewise, but follow all symlinks

Without specifying a directory, grep searches in current working directory by default.

$ grep -R hello

Specify directories.

$ grep -R hello tmp/ tmp2/

–include=FILE_PATTERN search only files that match FILE_PATTERN

Use --include to tell grep the pattern of the filenames you’re interested in.

$ grep -R hello --include="*.md"

-i, –ignore-case ignore case distinctions

$ grep -i Hello a.txt 

The pattern to search begins with - (hyphen)

$ grep -- -hello a.txt

To know what -L option does.

$ grep --help | grep -- -L
  -L, --files-without-match  print only names of FILEs containing no match

Use pattern file

-f FILE, –file=FILE Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. If this option is used multiple times or is combined with the -e (–regexp) option, search for all patterns given. The empty file contains zero patterns, and therefore matches nothing.

$ cat test.txt

$ cat patterns.txt

$ grep -f patterns.txt test.txt

NOTE: Do not put an empty line, i.e. a line with \n only, in the pattern file. Otherwise, the pattern file would match every line, since every line contains \n as its last character. It’s easy to make a mistake to put empty lines in the end of the pattern file.

Use -c, or --count to print only count of matching lines. For example, below command line is to find out the count of <OrderLine> tag in files of current directory.

$ grep "<OrderLine>" -c -R . 

It outputs like below.


To sort the output, use command like below.

$ grep "<OrderLine>" -c -R . | sort -t : -k 2